Friday, June 5, 2009

Child Abuse

I googled the definition of Child Abuse and this is what it said; Child Abuse: is harm done to, or neglect of a childby another person, whether adult or child. Child Abuse can be physical, emotional- verbal, sexual or through neglect. Child Abuse may cause serious injury and may even result in death. this just about sum's up what society calls the "dysfunctional family".No family wants to be known as dysfunctional, and this "title"is the reason why, I think, many people keep the "family secret", hush, hush. Silence and ignorance = indifference. Why do you think we have sweatshops? I think if we call it like it is, CHILD ABUSE, more people would seek help for themselves and for those we love, our children. In order to bring back the old saying "carefree days of childhood", love and discipline need to have a healthy balance. Starting at home and extending out to family members and freinds. Hospitality is fast becoming a lost virtue. Take the whole family out and visit one another, live, love and laugh together.Child Abuse has long term effects but love can cover a multitude of hurts. We need to take time to make time with our children. The family secret should and always be LOVE.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Sweet Links

Here are some really, really cool websites to check out and play with

  • This is a website that allows you to make your own comic stories and watch ones that others have made.  It's addicting!
  • Create your own superhero!
  • Make your own movies, cards, doodles, etc...  Pretty cool site.
  • Easy peasy slideshow maker - just add pictures!
  • Make your own cartoon movies.  The characters actually say what you type!
  • Really cool collaborative presentation tool.  Throw up your work, talk about it, and have other people comment on it - wicked awesome.
  • Make your own comic strips and add captions to your own photos!

Friday, May 1, 2009

Think Skinny

Leroy shows us how to fit through a coat hanger!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

The boys drumming

Hey, sweet!  Here are some of our students drumming - they mixed it up with garageband.  Keep in mind this was the first time they ever did it...nicely done...can't wait for more!  Oh, and I think you can download it for your ipod as well...check it out!

Download this episode (right click and save)

My Dog

I made this slideshow using Animoto.  It is cool, and super easy to should check it out.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Monday has come and is halfway gone...why am I so tired?  I guess I had a pretty busy weekend. Friday night I actually relaxed a little - watched hockey and other random programs.  On Saturday I headed down to the river hills by Glenburn park with my wife, Krista, and our dog, Kiera.  We hiked up and down the hills for half a day then headed out to my brother in law's for a visit with our new niece.  Sunday I did some work and then headed back out to my brother in law's to babysit.  All in all a good weekend.  

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

We just finished watching Twilight in our Grade 10 ELA class. I was not too sure what to expect as I have not yet read the book. I have heard many people talk about the movie - some liked it, some didn't.  I have to say, I was overly impressed.  Actually, I am not sure if I have ever seen a movie like it before.  The vampires and characters in Twilight are drastically different from those in other vampire movies (e.g. they don't melt in the sun, they don't look like demons, and they are concerned with human and moral issues - well, some are).  One part I found oddly intriguing was the one scene where the vampire family plays baseball - as a family!  Weird. Anyway, there is a love story, some violence, some action, and a emo type feeling that gives the movie an odd twist that I have not yet encountered.  It has encouraged me to read the book, actually - the entire series, and I cannot wait for the sequel.  

One of the aspects of the movie that interests me so much is the soundtrack.  The song below is particularly good...and I think it is actually Robert Pattison signing!!!  Double weird.